Paul is the founder and owner of BrainCross Mobile Events BV. Paul has worked for many years in Transport & logistics and invented various business models, concepts and invented various patented transport solutions.
Jop is co-owner and has worked as an online marketer and 3D draftsman for a long time. He got his passion for concepts as a child from his father.
They are very interested in the thrill of inventing something new and distinctive, possibly patenting, commercializing it and further developing it. Paul’s motto is: “Passion in creating and connecting innovators”. His years of experience and fascination for innovations have prompted him to think about a distinctive and measurable Roadshow concept. After nights of discussions with his son Jop, Paul was able to shape his ideas in BrainCross Mobile Events.
This eventually led to the following distinctive points:
BrainCross Mobile Events provides the right mix between online and offline marketing, which ensures high quality, interactive and exclusive customer contact.